Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Online Continuing ED Course for Dentists

Marketing Summit For Dentists
Now Available Online!
Available December 1, 2011

Howie Horrocks and Mark Dilatush have produced a 7 hour (seven, one hour segments) continuing education series called the Dental Marketing Summit Series. The online series is available now on DentalTown, in their online CE section. You can go directly to the courses by clicking this link. The series is produced in full video as opposed to the PowerPoint/audio option. If you are not currently a member of DentalTown, you will need to register first. Registration to DentalTown is free.

The cost of the online CE series $160. When you complete the series and successfully complete the CE test questions, we will ship you Unlimited New Patients – Volume 3 (retail $167). The CE series and the book compliment each other wonderfully to create a lasting and impactful learning experience.

This Series is the online equivalent of our LIVE Marketing Summit Series. The descriptions (below) of what you will learn in the live presentations fully apply to the online series.

Our mission is your continued success.

Visit our main website to learn more about us and our online marketing course for dentists.

New Patients, Inc.
The ad agency exclusively for dentists
Dental Marketing

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Marketing a Business with Video

As more people use the Internet in search of information, online video becomes increasingly important for reaching and connecting with followers, fans and customers. Video's rise in power as a marketing tool is due to its attractiveness to web surfers. By adding a smile and a friendly voice, you can build rapport with your customers faster and help them relate to your business on a more personal level.

Video connects customers on a deeper level because it covers and reaches out to different types of learning styles: the visual where people learn by reading or seeing demonstrations of a product or service and the auditory where people connect by listening to audio.

Videos also help sites show up higher on the search engines. Browsers and search engines are becoming savvier and are spending less time reading endless web pages of text. Instead, they are picking up on keywords tagged on videos appearing on sites.

As a growing business, it is important that you integrate video into your online marketing efforts. Even if you start with a basic video tip on how to best use your product or service, just get it recorded and post it to YouTube, your own website and/or blog. Although most people like humor and creativity, they also like messages that help them save time or money or makes their life easier, and that's what you can provide.

Above article created by:  Entrepreneur.com

New Patients, Inc.
The ad agency exclusively for dentists
Dental Marketing

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dental website video marketing

New Patients, Inc. has a world-class internet division. Here, we share our thoughts as you consider which company you will choose to build and manage your future internet marketing strategy. Feel free to check out the Website, SEO, Mobile Website & Social Media links as well. They are all related to internet marketing.

The benefits of having a properly done video series on your website are statistically clear, justified, and easily duplicated. The benefits are: increased website visitor conversion to new patient phone calls, and increased strength elements on your site that help gain search engine ranking position.

Website Video from the website visitor’s perspective
You are looking for a dentist near your home. You Google [dentist town name]. There are five or six obvious dental office links for you to look at. You look at each one. Hmmm. Which one should you choose?

You just witnessed what every dental consumer goes through when choosing a dentist on the internet. Every dental website has the same basic text, a gallery of before and after photos, and a bio of the doctor. Big deal, they all look the same! How are you supposed to choose one? What’s missing? What does the dental consumer need to make a decision?

Video: The ultimate at cracking the trust & respect barrier
Size, fonts, colors, logos, text, pictures, and even audio don’t hold a candle to video when it comes to establishing trust and respect with the dental consumer. Think about it. In the scenario above, if just one of those dentists on one of those five websites had a properly done introduction of themselves and their most marketable attributes – the dental consumer would have chosen them over the other sites.

The very first thing you have to establish with any dental consumer is trust and respect. If you don’t have that, nothing you say or tell them is going to sink in. But if you can crack the trust and respect barrier, you just tipped the scales heavily in your favor! If you are in a competitive dental internet market – First Impression Video is your trump card.

Just any old video?
No! Improperly produced video can actually hurt your chances of gathering more phone calls and certainly hurt your chances of improving your search engine ranking. There are four mission-critical components of a properly done website video that are very difficult if not impossible for dentists to duplicate on their own. They are: proper scripting, proper direction, proper editing/compression, and proper embedding. This is why, if you really want to add video to your practice website – have New Patients, Inc handle the entire process.

What do I do now?
If you want NPI to review your website for a potential First Impression Video Series, click here. Send us some basic information about your practice along with your existing website URL. We will get back to you promptly with our thoughts/recommendations.

New Patients, Inc.
The ad agency exclusively for dentists
Dental Marketing