Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 11, 2015 - NPI Newsletter

Oh Google - You've Done It Again!

We've always wanted to channel Mr. Magoo to start our newsletter. We can now check this one off of our bucket list. 

At the end of this newsletter you can see a reference link with an excerpt from the link. We will use this newsletter space to help you determine what these new Google changes mean specifically to your dental practice.

First, let's go through some terminology.

A: Responsive Website = A website that "morphs" in size depending upon the device the viewer is using to look at your website.
B: Non-Responsive Websites = A website that does not "morph" in size depending upon the device the viewer is using to look at your website.
C: A Mobile Website = A website specifically built for smaller viewing devices (tablets & cell phones)

Let's see how easy we can make this. In general......
  • If you have A above - Google will not penalize you after April 21, 2015
  • If you have B above WITHOUT having C above - Google will penalize you after April 21,2015
  • If you have B&C above - Google will not penalize you after April 21, 2015
  • If you are an NPI internet client, there's a 90% chance you are perfectly fine with what you have. 
  • If you are an NPI internet client with an older website, it might be a good time to speak to your advisor about an upgrade.
What exactly does "penalize" mean?
In short, it means Google is now going to rank websites based on their mobile friendliness. You might imagine them bringing forward all mobile friendly websites first, ranking them, THEN ranking all mobile unfriendly websites AFTER the mobile friendly websites.
Many dental websites are going to lose competitive search positioning after April 21, IF they do not already have a mobile friendly internet solution. 

How do I see if my website is ok?
The fastest thing to do is just bring up your website at the following link. 

Let Google tell you if you are mobile friendly.
Is this all bad news?

No! If your website is mobile friendly, you are perfectly fine. Your local competition might not be! If you are all set to go and your competition is not, your website positioning will stabilize and improve. Their positioning will drop.

As always, if you have any questions at all - feel free to reach out to us.

Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results. Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices. 

If any of you need us, just call 866.336.8237. We will be here for you.

Got questions? Want to learn more?
You can reach Mark & Howie at:

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