Marketing Plans for Dentists
What is a marketing plan?
A marketing plan consists of market data, a marketing budget, budget allocation, priority promotion mediums, deployment strategies for each medium, line item costs, and a time line of when to implement each component within the plan.
How do I get a marketing plan built for my practice?
That’s easy. Just click this link. You will be taken to a client survey. The answers to the questions in the survey tell us how marketable your practice is, where your annual marketing budget should be, if you have any current brand equity from prior promotions, and what promotion assets you may already have in place. There is no cost or obligation to you to have this work done. We are not the company that will spam you or send you bundles of unsolicited faxes for the rest of your life. That’s not the way NPI does business
Do I have to do research on my market area?
No, we will do that for you once you have completed your client survey. We will run a demographic analysis, targeting analysis, and competitive analysis of your area. If you already have a website for your practice, we may also run an optimization analysis on your website to see if there are any opportunities for improvement.
How long does it take to receive my marketing plan?
Usually 4 to 5 business days. We deliver the plan initially to the email address you provide on the client survey. Then, we print and mail the plan to you through the US postal service.
What do I do after I receive my marketing plan?
If we haven’t already scheduled a good day and time to discuss the plan over the telephone, we will. Just let us know a suitable time in your schedule. During that phone call, we will explain every detail within the plan and answer any of your questions.
How can I learn more?
Feel free to give us a call at 866.336.8237
Have NPI build a free marketing plan for your practice – click here to take client survey
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New Patients, Inc. is a full service dental marketing company, exclusively for dentists. In short, dentists hire us to manage their marketing budgets. This makes perfect sense. Our clients focus on the patients in the chair. We focus on getting the right patients in the chair. We have been promoting dentistry to the dental consumer since 1989. We provide dental marketing services to individual dentists all throughout the US & Canada.